10 de diciembre de 2009


I have learned that your whole life can change DrAsTiCaLLy in a matter of seconds.. you dont always know what to expect.. you lose close friends .. however gain closer ones.. life goes from being peaceful to hectic.. and.. You become an adult before you learn you aren't a kid anymore.. all I can say is BE READY!
Nothing last forever!
In Life everyone has to make decisions.. and life may not always go as planned.. but DaRlIn life ain't always PERFECT.. You have to take what you get and run with it.. Don't go throught life trying to make EVERYONE else happy.. Your life is yours for a reason!! Do what makes you HaPPy.

8 de diciembre de 2009

Just kiss me... and I'll be okay.

Wish I was confident enough to have a crazy-different hair color. Or have my nose pierced, or have a bunch of tattoos. But I couldn't handle that attention.

5 de diciembre de 2009

Vuelve A Empezar!

Aunque sientas el cansancio;
aunque el triunfo te abandone;
aunque un error te lastime;
aunque un negocio se quiebre;
aunque una traición te hiera;
aunque una ilusión se apague;
aunque el dolor queme los ojos;
aunque ignoren tus esfuerzos;
aunque la ingratitud sea la paga;
aunque la incomprensión corte tu risa;
aunque todo parezca nada;
Lo leí en el libro "Vivir con Valor" de Enrique Chaij.
Me encantó, la verdad con tres palabras "VUELVE A EMPEZAR", nos dice que los problemas que tenemos que enfrentar son nada si tenemos este tipo de pensamiento.

2 de diciembre de 2009


I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you.. How good you look when you smile. How much I love your laugh. I day-dream about you off and on, replaying pieces of our conversation; laughing at funny things that you said or did.. I've memorized your face && the way that you look at me.. I catch myself smiling again at what I imagine.. I wonder what will happen the next time we are together & even though neither of us know what the future holds, I know one thing for sure; you're the best thing that ever happened to me.

27 de noviembre de 2009


Loving someone when youre with someone else
is like eating paper when
theres chocolate infront of you; stupid.

4 de noviembre de 2009


En muchas ocasiones nos refugiamos en un mundo de seguridad que no nos permite avanzar… avanzar en el trabajo en la vida personal y familiar. No es malo, pero no es bueno. Mirémoslo de esta forma. Muchos no se arriesgan porque otros fracasaron en lo mismo… ten claro que eso no significa que tú lo harás, recuerda que eres diferente y único.

Claro... aprendemos de los errores que cometemos y el que cometen otros, pero piensa... no podemos pasarnos esta vida observando errores y fracasos, porque tarde o temprano nos convertiríamos en personas amargadas... ¡Claro! Estables materialmente y estables amargadamente... jajaja

Ríete de ti mismo... ríete de tus errores, mira la vida con otros ojos... mira esta vida como un mundo de oportunidades, un mundo donde los errores son piedras en nuestro sendero, piedras que no tienes que patear... ¡Al contrario! Recógelas y apílalas una tras otra y te darás cuenta como construirás un muro de fortalezas en el que podrás resguardarte tú y tus seres queridos.
Los que se niegan a correr riesgos y a crecer son tragados por la mala vida.

(Quien te dice eso... es un amigo real).

18 de octubre de 2009


I really don't like to shave my legs. I do when I have to, like when I see my boyfriend. And during the summer I will all the time. But if I'm wearing pants... nah. And I dont see my boyfriend but every few weeks, so nobody's really touching them. I just hate how long it takes, and my hair grows so fast, that I have to shave every other day without feeling all prickly. But I get freaked out by the fact that someone would see them or feel them while they're...less than smooth. So i try to keep up with it...

2 de septiembre de 2009

Vive... Siente... Sonríe...

Deja para mañana los reclamos, la tristeza, la pereza, la amargura y todo aquello que hace daño, déjalo para mañana. Vive al máximo siente al máximo y sonríe siempre.
Que las adversidades sean motivo para luchar, las tristezas motivo para no caer, saca fortaleza de cualquier reclamo y que el ocio sea en tu vida algo ocasional, para que:Vivir al máximo, sea una meta diaria sentir al máximo, sea espontáneo y sonreír siempre, sea contagioso para quienes te rodean. Siente el vivir para sonreír siempre.

18 de agosto de 2009

Sin Alas

Quiero volar, volar muy lejos de aqui, pero ahora no puedo, me he quedado sin alas.

Un día alguien me quitó las alas.
Bajo ellas se escondía, entre cada pluma, toda la fuerza que me ayudaba a superar vientos y tempestades.
Bajo ellas, se hallaban mis sueños que, de vez en cuando, salían a la luz y se hacían realidad. Los que no llegaba a conseguir los volvía a guardar para cumplirlos más adelante.

La ilusión era mi gran pasajera sobre esas alas, a ella no le daba vergüenza y por eso siempre estaba ahi,encima, brillando como nunca. Pero los huracanes le habían ido quitando el color y la alegría, y en tiempos difíciles se apagaba hasta apenas verse. Poco a poco, de forma casi imperceptible, se iba deslizando hasta casi estar cubierta por las alas, segura bajo ellas, esperando algún día recobrar su luminosidad. Le había dado miedo estar tan expuesta al mal tiempo y se decidió resguardar temporalmente.

Estoy esperando que me devuelvan unas alas que contengan mucha paciencia para aprender a esperar el sol de cada día; un poco de esperanza que me ayude a volar más alto y a mantenerme firme; una pizca de ilusión distribuida para que no se apague de repente y muchos muchos sueños que estén a su alcance para que pueda llegar hasta ellos.

Quizá deba construirme yo misma unas nuevas y asi no tenga que esperar...

15 de agosto de 2009

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

"Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible. "
~ Cadet Maxim

10 de agosto de 2009

Sin Condiciones

Quiero que me oigas, sin juzgarme.
Quiero que opines, sin aconsejarme.
Quiero que confíes en mi, sin exigirme.
Quiero que me ayudes, sin intentar decidir por mi
Quiero que me cuides, sin anularme.
Quiero que me mires, sin proyectar tus cosas en mi.
Quiero que me abraces, sin asfixiarme.
Quiero que me animes, sin empujarme.
Quiero que me sostengas, sin hacerte cargo de mi.
Quiero que me protejas, sin mentiras.
Quiero que te acerques, sin invadirme.
Quiero que conozcas las cosas mías que más te disgusten,
que las aceptes y no pretendas cambiarlas.
Quiero que sepas, que hoy,
hoy podés contar conmigo.
Sin condiciones.
Jorge Bucay
"Cuentos para pensar"

28 de julio de 2009

It's never goodbye...

.... Its only see you later.

I love books. I love them because I can get completely lost in them and forget about my life for a little while.

27 de julio de 2009

I'm leaving it up to you now

I usually care for others more than I care for myself.
Even those that I do not know.
I can't stand seeing others cry, or hurting in some way.

25 de julio de 2009

If I Could Change The World...

I have always struggled with what my purpose in life is, and while I haven't found it exactly yet, (and probably won't in this lifetime) I feel like I have realized a few things about life. I believe that our time here on earth is not to be wasted, that it is a "test" of our soul. I believe we are given a road of many paths to walk on, and the test is to see which paths we choose. Will we go down a path of temptation, hate, and sinning, or down the right, true path...? I am not perfect, and I admit that I have chosen the wrong path many, many times. But eventually I found my way to where I am now. Which I believe is a much better place.I have chosen to use my struggles as a way to help others. I believe that I have been given a chance to redeem myself. I know I can help others, and I know I can change lives. The actual secret I was getting to here, is that I hope I can change the world somehow, someway. Whether it's through one person, and then they change one persons life, and they change another's life, and so on... Or if I help a huge group of people, I know this is what will make my life worthwhile. :)

P.S. These are just my beliefs, and I know many of you believe something different. I am open to everyone's thoughts. Whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or non-religious, I respect your opinion, and would never ask you to change it.

18 de julio de 2009

I love cloudy days.

When I look at a cloudy day, I do not see the gloom. The blue sky is always up there somewhere, the clouds are just shielding it from the eyes of those who are not willing to see it. So it is with life. We must always look on the bright side, so when the cloudy days come, we will always be able to remember that blue skies are always within our reach.

16 de julio de 2009


I like being alone.
There have been many days where I didn't speak one word all day.
I do like having people around me, but I like my "me" time.

12 de julio de 2009

It's my body...

I want a tattoo, but I'm afraid I will regret it in 10 years.

I'm also afraid that I will pass out when I'm getting it done. :)

8 de julio de 2009

I'm a dreamer.

Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me, God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.
I had a dream That I could fly from the highest tree.
I had a dream.

21 de junio de 2009

Profound Silence

I have secrets, I have scars
As deep as anybody
I have fears that no one hears
But don't tell anybody
Sometimes I lie
But doesn't everybody
Doesn't everybody.

17 de junio de 2009

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important...

Really am very happy! While I may find unhappiness in the world sometimes, I know I am quite blessed with the life I have. I thank God every day for my family, my health, and all those around me.

Whenever I am taking photos,

and failing at capturing what I envisioned in my head.

And I get frustrated and annoyed...

This is what happens.

I make a silly face, and laugh at myself. =)

11 de junio de 2009

I often find it difficult to express how I'm feeling.

It's weird to be saying this, but the title of this post is often very true with me. I will be feeling so much, but I'll have no idea how to put it into words. Sometimes I'll just cry for no reason; or laugh for no reason. That's just how I am, I guess. Isn't that how it is with most of us, though? We want to say what we're feeling, we just don't know how. Someday I'll find a way to change that.

25 de abril de 2009


Como extraño aquellos instantes donde todo era mejor,
donde todo era ilusión, hasta tal vez ceguedad.
No se lo que era, pero era "feliz", sentía que con jugar era suficiente, en cambio ahora, creo ser la muñeca con la que todos juegan, con la que se divierten los "perfectos", los aceptados.
Yo también quiero divertirme con este juego, no ser objeto de diversión.
Estoy sufriendo al anhelar volver a los viejos tiempos, no paro de extrañar todo lo que fue de mí.
No quiero crecer, sólo quiero internarme en el pasado y dejar de querer lo que fue y no volverá.

15 de abril de 2009


Even though you’ve moved on, and so have I,
I lied.You’ll always be here, in the back
of my mind, and in my heart, but most of all,
in all of my sweetest memories.

12 de abril de 2009


I deserve the right kind of love.
The kind of love that makes me happy.
The fantastic love that's in books & movies.
Even if we aren't together forever, I want to
look back & never regret having fallen in love with you.
That's the kind of love I think we all deserve.

15 de febrero de 2009


She doesn't know who she is anymore.
She only can think about *him* these days.
He doesn't have a clue what he's doing,
But its hurting her horribly, and it won't go away.